Art-Invest Real Estate receives the German Brand Award 2020 in the "Internal Branding & Brand Academies" category for its project marketing video, which presents the company's new intranet. It was created in collaboration with the Cologne digital agency sunzinet, which is also responsible for the general concept and development of the new intranet.

ARTNET - the official name of the intranet - was launched in January 2020 and is intended to serve as a digital hub for the topics of "knowledge" and "communication" in the company. In addition to individual employee profiles and a steadily growing knowledge database on different, company-relevant subject areas, the intranet also offers a current news area, an interactive chat board and an event calendar. It can also be used as a central storage location for template documents and files.

"The ARTNET is a great asset to our internal corporate culture. As a growing company, we are facing the challenge of networking our employees across all locations.

At the same time, it optimizes our way of communication and supports us daily with modern knowledge management. We are pleased that the ARTNET has been received so positively by the workforce and has now even received an award”, comments Arne Hilbert, Managing Director at Art-Invest Real Estate.

The German Brand Award is a prestigious award for successful brand management in German companies and is awarded by the German Brand Institute. The award is divided into two competitions: »Excellent Brands« awards the best product and company brands in an industry. "Excellence in Brand Strategy and Creation" distinguishes the strongest campaigns, concepts and strategies of individual disciplines. In both competitions, the independent, interdisciplinary jury of experts usually selects a gold award winner for top performance within an industry or discipline. In 2020, the 1,200 submissions from 14 countries generated a great international response. A total of 47 projects and brands were awarded "gold".
